The player can give out Administrator position for your characters, ensuring their effective and satisfied employment in your court. New faction council provides bonus and generate missions for the player to improve the national industry, military, and commerce. It now features various new court positions, family tree, and character relationship web. It also adds new diplomacy options such as coalition and guaranteeing vassal autonomy. These include haggling deals and trade territory and ancillaries, and how AI values your offer, which affects state relationships and attitudes between different leaderships. The new Diplomacy revolutionizes a host of traditional features and systems from previous titles in the franchise. The developer rewrites the diplomacy model and AI from scratch to support these new aims and features. Diplomacy is completely revamped from previous titles.A character's portrait will also change according to the ancillary equipped.

Ancillary are now items that can be equipped on characters to provide bonuses for your character's attributes.

They also form their deep relationships with each other, both positive and negative, that shape how your story plays out. Each of these characters is brought to life with their own unique personalities, motivations, and likes/dislikes.